

For those who don’t know what Notepad++ is, it’s a light-weight text editor with built in syntax highlighting for a multitude of programming languages and various other tools. The best thing about Notepad++ is it’s plugin features, you can easily browse, install and uninstall a variety of community created plugins, this is especially useful as […]


I have installed FreeSSHD recently onto my desktop computer, I think its cool to have an SSH server that allows me to run commands remotely just like in Linux. Even if it is stupid MSDOS (I would much prefer an actual emulation of the Linux command line ). I quickly hit a problem however, it […]


If you’re looking for some good software that enables you to search within files on your PC, then look no further! PRGrep is Linux software gone Windows, it offers you many tools to enable you to search within files. It doesn’t have a fancy interface, it’s easy to use and it searches files extremely fast! […]


When I first started downloading and creating ISO files a few years back, I thought to myself “I wonder if there is a way I could use this image as a CD Drive but without physically having to write the data onto a disk… That would be awesome!”. Well after some investigation I found a […]


Good mourning, it has been quite  long time since my last blog posting! In recent days I have been getting back to my old game programming tendencies :) Working on a game called “Population”. Population is a Sim City like game set in a isometric view point, the game will have a slightly different perspective […]


I have just updated the website and in the process released the first BETA version of ServerBrowse. ServerBrowse is software which runs on a PHP4/PHP5 web server and allows webmasters (or visitors) to browse all directory’s within the installation path of the software, it supports MIME types and displays icons for popular file formats such […]


Hey, today I have been working on the main website of… It’s coming along really well and I’m very excited!! It’s looking very nice and slick. Just a few hours ago I dropped work on the website and started looking at EmoteMaker sourcecode, I’ts going to need allot of work but I think I […]