

In August 2014 I started an article on improving the speed and performance of your OpenCart store by improving your OpenCart database indexing, shockingly it appears OpenCart did not set required indexes that are vital for larger OpenCart stores. MySQL uses indexes to speed up queries, every join or search using an index is cached […]


OpenCart is an awesome eCommerce system, however there are a few shortcomings due to the apparent lack of knowledge the OpenCart development team have (or perhaps the incompleteness of the OpenCart software?). Unfortunately the database structure of OpenCart does not implement MySQL indexing as it should, the database design however is extremely well implemented and […]


Over the last few weeks I have been working with OpenCart, a free Open-Source Shopping Cart. And so far I have been loving it! However it was not long until I hit a road block with the software, after enabling the clean SEO URL’s feature and setting up my “SEO Keywords” for all my products, […]