Finally after many years and many scrapped projects, the new Resplace site is now taking shape and has begun to take over various aspects of the old domain. Basically I had a resources/geek site called which is very, VERY old now and was built way back when I was quite amateurish at Web Development.
The new site is a complete overhaul and rethink of that concept, the idea of the site will be a collection of tools for Web Developers, WebMasters, SEO's and savvy Website Owners, which some other more general / fun tools for the likes of everyone mixed in.
The site is in it's infancy at the moment, but most of the tools from the old site have been re-coded into the new site and some other new tools are already live, I will be adding more and more over the next few months so you will see the tools lists grow as time goes on.
Take a look and let me know what you think, if you have any suggestions or ideas I would appreciate it, and hopefully I can give you stuff that you need often.