Remove JoniCoupon from Chrome - JoniCoupon Adware removal

Unfortunately my laptop fell victim to the JoniCoupon malware, not sure where it came from as I had not downloaded and installed anything for months. In fact I only use my laptop for streaming movies from my main pc, and I also watch those movies on my PC and that has not ever been infected so I have no idea where or how my laptop got this JoniCoupon malware!

As soon as I noticed the malware I immediately checked my Google Chrome extensions, it showed me an extension names JoniCoupon, I had never heard of it before and there was an option to remove it so thats what I did, however once Chrome restarted JoniCoupon had returned!

I immediately started searching the internet for a resolution . Unfortunately I could not find any solution that would work! Eventually though I found out how to remove it for good, you can do the same by following these simple steps:


Step 1:

Open Chrome, click on the Customize menu, Tools, Extensions.

Chrome Extensions


Step 2:

On the extensions page tick "Developer Mode". This will show you the install paths of all your extensions.

Chrome Developer Mode


Step 3:

find the path to the extensions you wish to remove, delete the folder for the extension and delete any other folders that seem suspicious, I found these:

  • jonicoupon
  • installmate
  • downloada keeper
  • Ddigoi Couupon
  • DigiiSaaver


Step 4:

Once all these folders are deleted, return to Chrome and click "Remove" next to the extension and close down Chrome.

Remove Extension Chrome

Congratulations, the malware has now been removed from your machine!

Author: Dean WilliamsI'm a Web Developer, Graphics Designer and Gamer, this is my personal site which provides PHP programming advice, hints and tips

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