I have a very useful script for people who wish to monetize from the Google Affiliate Network.
Are you sick of managing your banners manually? Adding/removing banners as you join/leave affiliates? Or are you looking to use Google Affiliate Network but the task of managing the adverts is putting you off?
Well my Script can really help you, all you need to do is download a CSV of all your affiliates from the GAN administration interface, then my script will automatically read and categorize the adverts by size (image adverts only) so that you can position adverts on your site by referencing the size you wish to use, the script will rotate adverts of this size for you and will automatically remove adverts of the start/end date for the banner is out of range (if set).
The script can also take Google AdSense adverts and attempt to use those first, if an advert for the size requested does not exist or the maximum allowed AdSense adverts is reached (3 image. 3 text) it will begin displaying only GAN adverts.
Read more about this script and to purchase it for as little as £40!
Customization is available for your specific requirements at an additional cost.